- 内需主導型経済{ないじゅ しゅどう がた けいざい}の形成{けいせい}
formation of domestic demand-led economy 意味
- "formation of children's behavior and consciousness" 意味
- "formation of chyle from the food" 意味
- "formation of crust" 意味
- "formation of cyst" 意味
- "formation of dental plaque" 意味
- "formation of ectoderm" 意味
- "formation of enamel" 意味
- "formation of epithelium" 意味
- "formation of expectation" 意味
- "formation of cyst" 意味
- "formation of dental plaque" 意味
- "formation of ectoderm" 意味
- "formation of enamel" 意味